Order Letter and Reply
1. contoh order letter :
Jakarta, 10 November 2011
Your ref : KM / DC / 55
Our ref : RM / L / 3A
Mr. Kiwil Mananta
PT. Olahraga Maju Bersama
Jln. Raya Merdeka No. 21
Bekasi 72852
Dear Mr Kiwil Mananta
With this, we would like to place an order your product as
1.10 pairs of shoes NIKE mercurial size of futsal 38-45
2. 10 pairs of shoes ADIDAS predator soccer size from 38-45
3. 2 dozen NIKE FC Barcelona Club t-shirt size M and XL
These items should be sent before December 1, 2011 Packing
hope stand water with their insurance. Letters of credit are made to our Bank
BRI has been sent through the services of the delivery goods JNE.
Ridwan Malik
2. Contoh reply order letter :
Jakarta, 12 November 2011
Your ref : RM / DC / 55
Our ref : KM / L / 3A
Mr. Ridwan Malik
PT. Langit biru
Jln. Mawar Merah No.07
Jakarta Utara 14140
Dear Mr Ridwan Malik,
We have received your order dated 10 November 2011 as
contained in the purchase order form.
We confirm receipt of Your booking and wish to obey the
conditions and requirements as specified by our company, such as the following.
1. Down Payment made before the date of delivery order as
much as 45% of the total price of the reservation goods.
2. due date payment of the reminder of the payment is made
10 days after the date of delivery of the goods carried.
3. when there is a complaint over the received goods,
carried out by mail the complaint addressed directly to us.
With all the conditions listed here, we will assume You
agree if You did not demur orally or in writing within ten days from receipt of
this notice.
disarray over , we are saying thanks.
Kiwil Mananta
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